pink and white flowers on white surface
pink and white flowers on white surface

I am thirsty for the living God , in a dry and weary place where there is no water..

Free book

white and red box on red and white floral textile
white and red box on red and white floral textile

What is inside this box?

inside Gods heart?

inside His thoughts?

..inside His will?

inside HIM ?

is it possible to know??:.

Looking for the one who will open Gods Gift box

white and black polka dot textile
white and black polka dot textile

Whoever drinks of the water that I Jesus shall give him will never thirst again. John 4:14

pink and white flowers on white surface
pink and white flowers on white surface

Looking for the one..for Jesus Christ. Reading the whole Bible looking for Him only.. will you find Him?.. I did, but best off all ; He found me in the prosess. Will you join the movement of "reading to find Jesus christ".. contact us for updates , follow ups and meet up